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《死亡空間重製版》的高級出品人Philippe Ducharme在英國版PlayStation雜志中透露,他們最重要的任務就是在2008版《死亡空間》帶給玩家的沉浸感上更上一層樓,在開發之前,他甚至將原版遊戲打通了好幾遍,這樣他們才能充分理解原版的賣點和獨特的沉浸感,他們需要將這些內容全部強化,才能吸引新一代玩家。


《死亡空間重製版》將於2023年1月27日發售,將登陸PC、PS5和Xbox Series X/S平台,屆時玩家將可以看到這款遊戲存在哪些改動。

© Dead Space Remake Senior Producer Philippe DuCharme spoke about some of the development details of the remake, especially its purpose.According to DuCharme in the latest issue of PlayStation Magazine UK (January 2023), an important task for the development team is to improve and develop the level of immersion Dead Space proposed back in 2008. He even played through the original game a few times first to fully discover its various strengths, and what stood out was the immersion.The ultimate goal of the team is to immerse players in the terrifying atmosphere of Dead Space. Ducharme joked that if they could get a player who, with a controller in hand, could go through the entire game without dropping it, then they would finally be able to say that they had achieved their goal. He went even further, saying that if they could get them to play 12-15 hours straight without going to the toilet, they would probably achieve something in this life.To achieve this grand goal, the development team went beyond improvements and made some deliberate changes to the source material. Some scenes have been changed, such as the scenes using the Meteor Defense System cannons from Chapters 4 and 8 have disappeared. Now in the Dead Space remake, these moments will look different.There will also be more changes in the remake, but fans and newcomers alike will be able to see them when Dead Space Remake releases on January 27, 2023. It will be available on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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